Select the right gemstone.

Select gemstone that works best for you. Feel the connection, balance the chakra, drawn to a particular gemstone, or a favorite color gemstones.

The Seven Chakras

7th Crown (Purple) - Center of spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought and energy
6th Third Eye (Navy) - Awareness, psychic ability, higher intuition, energies of spirit and light.
5th Throat (Blue) - Communication, sound, expression of creativity via thought, speech, and writing.
4th Heart (Green) - Love, healing, compassion, and spirituality.
3rd Solar Plexus (Yellow) - Personal power, place of ego, of passions, impulses, anger and strength. 2nd Sacral (Orange) - Emotions, intimacy, sexuality, creativity, self-worth, friendliness, and creativity.
1st Root (Red) - Grounding, survival, security and safety.

1st Chakra - Root / Muladhara. Location: Base of the spine at the tailbone in back, and the pubic bone in front. Powerfully related to our contact with mother earth. Ability to be grounded into the earth plane. Center of manifestation. Trying to make things happen in the material world (business, material possessions, energy to succeed). Colors use are red, brown and black. Gemstones are garnet, smoky quartz, obsidian, black tourmaline, bloodstone, tiger eye, hematite, and agate.

*Both first and second chakras are associated with sexual energy. First chakra, because male sexual energy is usually experienced primarily as physical. Second chakra, because female sexual energy is usually experienced primarily as emotional.

2nd Chakra - Sacral / Svadisthana. Location: Two inches below the navel and is rooted into the spine.
Governs peoples sense of self-worth. Confidence in owns creativity. Ability to relate to others in an open and friendly way. Freely influenced and feel, expressed, or repressed emotions.
Color use is orange. Gemstones are carnelian agate, orange Calcite, tiger eye, citrine, moonstone, and coral.

3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus / Manipura. Location: Two inches below the breastbone in the center behind the stomach. The center for astral travel and astral influences, receptivity of spirit guides and for psychic development. Ability to feel cheerful, outgoing, have self-respect, expressive, enjoy taking on new challenges, and have a strong sense of personal power. Color use is yellow. Gemstones are citrine, topaz, yellow calcite, malachite, and topaz.

4th Chakra - Heart / Anahata. Location: Behind the breast bone in front and on the spine between the shoulder blades in back. Directs one's ability to love themselves and others, to give and to receive love. Connecting body and mind with spirit. Released scars and raise a lot of old pain, but free the heart for healing and new growth. Ability to feel compassionate, friendly, empathetic, desire to nurture others. Colors use are pink and green. Gemstones are rose quartz, kunzite, watermelon tourmaline, jade, and green calcite.

5th Chakra - Throat / Vishuddi. Location: In the V of the collarbone at the lower neck (throat, neck, teeth, ears, and thyroid gland). Possibility for change, transformation and healing. Here anger is stored ( hold back, be quiet ) and finally let go of (expressed). Ability to feel balanced, centered, musically or artistically inspired, and a good speaker. Color use is light blue. Gemstones are aquamarine, azurite, lapis lazuli, and turquoise.

6th Chakra - Third Eye / Ajna. Location: Above the physical eyes on the center of the forehead (eyes, face, brain, lymphatic and endocrine system). Assists in the purification of negative tendencies and in the elimination of selfish attitudes. Receive guidance, channel, and tune into your Higher Self.
Ability to open you are your own master with no fear of death, are not attached to material things, may experience telepathy, astral travel, and past lives. Colors use are purple and dark blue. Gemstones are amethyst, sodalite, lapis lazuli, purple fluorite, black obsidian.

7th Chakra - Crown / Sahasrara. Location: Behind the top of the skull. Allows for the inward flow of wisdom, and brings the gift of cosmic consciousness. Center of connectedness with the Goddess and God. The soul comes into the body through the crown at birth and leaves from the crown at death. Ability to open up to the Divine and total access to the unconscious and subconscious. Colors use are white and purple. Gemstones are clear quartz crystal, oregon opal, diamond and amethyst.

Gemstone Healing Power A-Z

Abalone - Calming, Soothing, Healing.
Agate - Stability, Grounding, Supportive.
Agate / Tree Agate - Grounding, Earthing, Abundance.
Alexandrite - Balance emotion, Increase Confidence, Bring Happiness.
Amazonite - Fluidity, Playful, Optimistic.
Amber - Confidence, Expression, Encourage, Balance.
Amethyst - Trust, Intuition, Spirituality.
Ametrine - Sooth Emotion, Stimulated Creativity, Protection.
Angelite - Understanding, Calm, Comfort.
Apatite - Inspiration, Satisfaction, Motivation.
Apophyllite - Uplifting, Joy, Purify.
Aquamarine - Fluidity, Soothing, Go With The Flow.
Aragonite - Release, Anger, Breakthrough.
Aventurine - Good Luck, Manifestation, Optimistic.
Azurite - Expansive, Empowerment, Wisdom.

Black Kyanite - Cutting Cords Of Removes Negativity.
Black Tourmaline - Protection, Security, Stress Relief.
Bloodstone / Heliotrope - Courage, Vitality, Energizing.
Blue Lace Agate - Anxiety Relief, Soothing, Calming.
Bronzite - Grounding, Protection, Stabilizing.

Calcite - Openess, Cleansing, Purity.
Carnelian - Creativity, Confidence, Passion.
Celestite - Sweet Dreams, Soothing, Calming.
Chrysocolla - Starting Over, Motivation, Inspiration.
Chrysoprase - Positivity, Open Hearted, Optimistic.
Citrine - Happiness, Motivation, Joy, Clarity.
Clear Quartz / Rock Crystal Quartz - Clarity, Manifestation, Focus.
Coral - Good Luck, Protection, Harmony.
Cubic Zirconia - Focus, Clarity, Release Ego.

Diamond - Strength, Encourage, Fearlessness.
Colored Diamond - Gray, White, Yellow, Green, Brown and Pink.

Emerald - Love, Harmony, Enrichment.
Epidote - Emotional Healing, Heart Opening, Trust.

Fluorite - Peace, Bliss, Calming.
Fuchsite - Happiness, Miracles, Blessings.

Garnet - Passion, Energy, Health.
Golden Healer Quartz - Willpower, Grounding, Resolutions.
Goldstone - Confidence, Light, Empowerment.

Hematite - Grounding, Focus, Centering.

Iolite - Eliminate Debt, Break Patterns, Overcome Fear.

Ivory - Purity, Protect, Chastity, Opulence.

Jade - Wealth, Success, Wisdom.
Jasper / Ocean Jasper - Nurture, Happiness, Peace.
Jasper / Red Jasper - Grounding, Nurturing, Centering.
Jet - Help lessen anxiety, Fear, Depression, Anger, and Headaches.

K2 Stone - Intuition, Wisdom, Enlightenment.

Labradorite - Cosmic, Destiny, Curiosity.
Lapis Lazuli - Truth, Awareness, Wisdom.
Lemurian Quartz - New Ideas, Serenity, Wisdom.
Lepidolite - Peace, Tranquility, Restful Sleep.
Larimar - Peace, Clarity, Radiating healing and love energy, Clear communication, Inner wisdom, Embodying tranquil energies of the sky and sea.
Lemon Quartz - Good luck charm, Hazardous things keep away from you, Filter out distractions, Aid concentration, Memory retention.
Lodolite / Garden Quartz - Deep spiritual healing, Connect with your higher self, Promotes emotional healing, Relieves stress and anxiety.

Marcasite - Boosts physical vitality, Alleviates exhaustion, Remove and stop the growth and reproduction of infections in the body.
Malachite - Transformation, Openess, Love.
Mookaite - Beauty, Adventure, Grounding.
Moonstone - Divinity, Balance, Tenderness.
Moissanite - Help facilitate cellular regeneration, prompt your body to improve its natural ability to repair itself more quickly.
Moldavite - High vibration, to accelerate spiritual growth and evolution.

Obsidian - Self-Reflection, Protection, Growth.
Onyx - Protection, Release, Calm.
Opal / Pink Opal - Hope, Love, Emotional Healing.
Opal / Fire Opal - Power to heal the lower back, Kidneys, Passion, Stimulate sexual organs.

Peridot - Effervescent, Joy, Happiness.
Phantom Quartz - Growth, Transformation, Evolution.
Pyrite - Wealth, Success, Protection.
Pearl - Assisting with digestive disorders, Heart problems, Eye ailments, Improving the skin.

Rhodochrosite: Worthiness, Love, Compassion.
Rhodonite - Forgiveness, Love, Emotional Healing.
Rhyolite - Change, Positivity, Creativity.
Rose Quartz - Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, Compassion.
Rutilated Quartz - Clarity, Strength, Energy.
Ruby - Love, sexual passion, courage, confidence, happiness, inspiration, leadership.

Sapphire - Improve eyes & mental function, psychic awareness, clarity, wisdom.
Coloured Sapphires - Almost every color of the rainbow including: pink, rose, violet, yellow, orange, green, blue-green, or white (colorless).
Selenite - Cleansing, Light, Protection.
Shungite - Grounding, Protection, Digital Detox.
Serpentine - Regeneration, Luck, Healing.
Smoky Quartz - Letting Go, Surrender, Grounding.
Sodalite - Communication, Harmony, Trust.
Sunstone - Effervescent, Sensual, Creativity.
Shells - Stimulates intuition, Sensitivity, Imagination and adaptability.
Spinel - Ability to soothe and calm the mind and emotions.
Sugilite - Spiritual growth, Crown chakra activation, Psychic enhancement & healing.

Tiger Eye - Inspiration, Perspective, Good Luck.
Tanzanite - Help individuals overcome obstacles, Enhance intuition, Promote better communication.
Topaz - Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, Confidence and Self-expression, Abundance and Success, Healing and Rejuvenation, Calming and Sleep Aid.
Topaz / Mystic Topaz - Calming effect on emotions, Ease anxiety and create a space of relaxation for the brain to mentally heal.

Tourmaline / Pink - Help with heart issues, allergies, and other health problems related to the heart and lungs.
Tourmaline / Blue - Crystal of Spirit and peace, Providing for deep meditation and bringing past hurts to the surface for healing, Frees the mind to explore a higher consciousness and spiritual connection.
Tourmaline / Green - Wood energy, The energy of growth, Expansion, New beginnings, Nourishment and health.
Tourmaline / Black - To possess strong protective energies that shield individuals.
Tourmalinated Quartz - Remove Obstacles.
Turquoise - Health, Protection, Wisdom.

Unakite - Release, Positivity, Openess. 

Zircon crystal - Guidance, Balance, Increase Intuition.