Gemstone Hardness Scale
Be aware of gemstone hardness, toughness, and stability. Help to take the appropriate gemstone care when setting, wearing, cleaning, and storing jewelry. The hardest gemstones get a rating closer to 10 on the Mohs scale, while the softer gemstones are placed closer to 1. Mohs Hardness of Common Objects: drill bit 8.5, steel 5-6.5, knife 5-6.5, glass 4-7, penny copper 3-3.5, and fingernail 2-2.5.
10 Diamond.
9½ Moissanite.
9 Corundum: Ruby, Sapphire.
8½ Alexandrite, Chrysoberyll, Holtite, YAG, Zirconia.
8 – 8½ Rhodizite, Taafeite.
8 Spinel, Topaz.
7½ – 8 Aquamarine, Red Beryl, Precious Beryl, Gahnite, Galaxite, Painite, Phenakite, Emerald.
7½ Andalusite, Euclase, Hambergite, Sapphirine.
7 – 8½ Dumortierite.
7 – 7½ Almandine, Boracite, Cordierite, Danburite, Grandidierite, Pyrope, Schorlomite, Sekaninaite, Simpsonite, Spessartine, Staurolite, Turmaline, Uvarovite.
7 Amethyst, Aventurine, Rock Crystal, Chambersite, Chromdravite, Citrine, Forsterite, Povondraite, Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Zunyite.
6½ – 7½ Garnet, Jeremejevite, Sillimanite, Zircon.
6½ – 7 Axinite, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Diaspore, Ferro-Axinite, Gadolinite, Grossular, Hiddenite, Jadeite, Jasper, Kornerupine, Kunzite, Mangan-Axinite, Peridot, Pollucite, Serendibite, Sinhalite, Spodumene, Tanzanite, Thorianite, Tinzenite.
6½ GGG, Magnesio-Axinite, Nambulite, Vesuvianite.
6 – 7 Cassiterite, Clinozoisite, Epidote, Hancockite, Pyrolusite, Sogdianite.
6 – 6½ Amazonite, Andesine, Anorthoclase, Benitoite, Bixbyite, Bytownite, Chondroite, Helvite, Hyalophane, Labradorite, Marcasite, Microcline, Nephrite, Norbergite, Oligoclase, Petalite, Prehnite, Pyrite, Rutile, Sanidine, Smaragdite, Sugilite, Tantalite, Xonotlite, Zoisite.
6 Aegirine, Amblygonite, Clinohumite, Humite, Hurlbutite, awsonite, Pumpellyite, Tephroite, Vlasovite, Zektzerite.
5½ – 6½ Hematite, Hedenbergite, Magnetite, Manganotantalite, Opal, Rhodonite.
5½ – 6 Actinolite, Allanite, Anatase, Beryllonite, Brookite, Bustamite, Canasite, Cobaltite, Euxenite, Fabulite, Fergusonite, Haüyne, Leucite, Marialite, Meionite, Milarite, Montebrasite, Natromontebrasite, Periclase, Pyroxmangite, Sarcolite, Scorzalite, Scapolite, Sodalite, Tugtupite.
5½ Brazilianite, Breithauptite, Chromite, Enstatite, Linobate, Magnesiochromite, Moldavite, Willemite.
5 – 6 Aeschynite, Bronzite, Cancrinite, Catapleiite, Ceruléite, Clinoenstatite, Davidite, Diopside,
Ferrosilite, Hornblende, Hypersthene, Ilmenite, Lapis Lazuli, Lazulite, Nepheline, Neptunite, Pargasite, Richterite, Samarskite, Stibiotantalite, Tremolite, Turquoise.
5 – 5½ Analcime, Datolite, Durangite, Eudialyte, Goethite, Herderite, Hydroxylherderite, Meliphanite, Mesolite, Microlite, Monazite, Natrolite, Nickeline, Papagoite, Psilomelane , Scolecite , Sellaite , Thomsonite , Titanite , Wolframite , Yttrotantalite.
5 Apatite, Bismutotantalite, Childrenite, Chlorapatite, Dioptase, Eosphorite, Flourapatite, Hemimorphite, Hydroxylapatite, Mangan-Apatite, Odontolite, Rinkite, Schlossmacherite, Smithsonite, Spurrite, Strass, Vayrynenite.
4½ – 6½ Ekanite.
4½ – 5 Apophyllite, Augelite, Charoite, Gaspéite, Hodgkinsonite, Legrandite, Pectolite, Scheelite, Wardite, Wollastonite.
4½ Bayldonite, Colemanite, Parisite, Prosopite, Yugawaralite.
4 – 7 Kyanite.
4 – 5½ Sérandite.
4 – 5 Chabazite, Friedelite, Lithiophilite, Mordenite, Triphylite, Variscite, Zincite.
4 – 4½ Carletonite, Hübnerite, Purpurite.
4 Algodonite, Ammonite, Barytocalcite, Flourite, Leucophanite, Libethenite, Rhodochrosite.
3½ – 4½ Magnesite, Siderite.
3½ – 4 Ankerite, Aragonite, Azurite, Chalcopyrite, Creedite, Cuprite, Dickinsonite, Dolomite, Euchroite, Langbeinite, Malachite, Mimetite, Pentlandite, Powellite, Scorodite, Shungite, Shattuckite, Sphalerite, Wavellite, Wurtzite.
3½ Adamite, Anhydrite, Chiolite, Huréaulite, Strontianite, Thaumasite, Weloganite.
3 – 4 Cacoxenite, Coral, Ludlamite.
3 – 3½ Anglesite, Baryte, Boleite, Cerussite, Celestine, Descloizite, Greenockite, Howlite, Millerite, Phosphophyllite, Witherite.
3 Bornite, Calcite, Kurnakovite, Shortite, Wulfenite.
2½ – 5½ Serpentine.
2½ – 4½ Pearl.
2½ – 4 Jet.
2½ – 3 Chalcocite, Crocoite, Gaylussite, Gold, Inderite, Lepidolite, Pyrargyrite, Silver, Stolzite, Vanadinite, Whewellite.
2½ Brucite, Cryolite, Linarite, Lizardite, Proustite, Sturmanite.
2 – 4 Chrysocolla
2 – 3 Clinochrysotile, Fuchsite, Muscovite, Phosgenite, Shomiokite.
2 – 2½ Amber, Cinnabar, Ettringite, Kämmererite, Mellite, Senarmontite, Ulexite, Villiaumite.
2 Gypsum.
1½ – 2½ Stichtite, Sulphur, Covellite, Melonite, Realgar, Vivianite.
1-2 Palygorskite, Pyrophyllite.
1 Talc.
Gemstone Care
Below are a little Gemstone Care and tips for you to review:
Always remove gems and jewelry before exercising, playing sports, or performing household chores. When removing jewelry, do not pull from the stone, because doing so will weaken the metal, cord, and stone. Which can lead to a lost or broken jewelry. When storing your gems and jewelry, it is best to store them separately and away from other gemstones. If possible, wrap them in a soft cloth and place them inside a fabric-lined jewelry box for added protection.
Gemstone Care: Gemstone are very precious they require a little care. As the weather are dry or cold or the often wash hand the stone might need a little moisturizing care.
*1. Please do not shower with the stone. During shower there will be soap or other cosmetic on to the jewelry. If the jewelry got dirty just simply use tap water to rinse off, and let it dry on a clean white paper towel over night. It will be ready to wear the next morning when you wake up.
*2. Please do not spray perfume or cologne on to the crystal. Some cosmetic contains some harsh chemicals that might damage the stone forever. Please place your pendant in a clean and safe environment to let it rest, after being your little guardian angel for the day.
*3. Please be aware that you do not place the gemstone jewelry together with other jewelry. Materials such as metals, glass or plastic will scratch the gemstone over time. Different type of gemstone will scratch each other too. Please store the gemstone jewelry separate in a save container or box.
Recharge Energy or to Clean the Gemstone:
If you want to charge energy to your little gemstone piece. You can place it under running tap water for 1 minute, and let it dry on a clean white paper towel over night. Or place it on a rock crystal cluster overnight. It will be ready to wear the next morning when you wake up. It should feel a little cold when you place it in the middle of your palm.
Coral, Turquoise, Agate:
Simply put 1 drop of oil on your palm. It can be any natural chemical free oil such as baby oil or olive oil or coconut oil. Your palm has natural warm temperature, so the oil will heat up a little. Rub the oil in between both hands palm. Then carefully place the stone on to your palm. Slowly massage the oil on to each bead. If too much oil don`t worry you can wipe the extra off with clean tissue or napkins. If not enough oil for the stone to absorb, simply do the same process again. Since stone use to live in mountains with a very enjoyable environment and lots of water and moist they don’t need extra moisture. Now they are with us most of the times true, chemicals, soap, water, dry weather, it just need a little care.
Pink Gemstone (Rose quartz, Kunzite, Pink Amethyst):
All pink gemstone cannot be wear on beach! A full day sun light will take away all the natural pink color of the stone. Pink color gemstones are very precious and rare, the pink will turn clear or white if you wear it under bright sun light. Pink color gemstones are meant to be wear indoor or night events. Therefore, it is so rare and precious to own one.
Pearls are an organic gem and they require specific care that will protect them for a very long time.
They can be harmed by contact with many chemicals found in household cleaners, perfumes, cosmetics and hair care products of all kinds.
-Always remember that your Pearls should be the LAST THING YOU PUT ON when dressing and the FIRST THING YOU TAKE OFF when you get home.
Don't wear pearls with shetland wool, it can damage them.
-Always use only jewelry cleaners that are labeled as safe for Pearls.
-Always store your Pearls wrapped in a soft cloth or pouch and protected from all abrasive objects.
-Always wipe your Pearls with a soft cloth moistened with water.
-If spills or drips get on your pearls ("oops" happens...), give them a good soak in lukewarm water with gentle natural soap (not detergent).
Rinse well and allow to dry wrapped in a cotton cloth, then wear them to return some oils from your skin to the pearls. Remember, water doesn't hurt pearls, they grew up in it!
-Always remove your Pearls if you reapply hair spray, or put on perfume with a sprayer: both can damage Pearls.
-Always remove Pearls before exercising or otherwise getting sweaty. (It's not the water or the salt, but the pH of sweat is not good for them.)
-Always be aware of the type of fabrics you wear. Fabrics like Shetland wool can damage Pearls
-Always remember that you are wearing a gift from the sea and the better you take care of them the longer they will maintain their warm glowing luster.
-And last but not least: WEAR YOUR PEARLS. They don't like being stored away and will improve in luster and glow when worn regularly!
-Never use toothbrushes, scouring pads or any type of abrasive material to clean your Pearls.
-Never use any "magic eraser" or other commercial cleaning pad, even those 'safe for non-stick' or otherwise presented as "gentle".
-Never clean your pearls with anything containing chlorine bleach, vinegar or ammonia (including Windex). All will harm pearls. Avoid anything other that water and soap (not detergent).
-Never expose your Pearls to dish or laundry detergents, bleaches, powdered cleansers, or baking soda.
-Never use any type of ultrasonic cleaner.
-Never steam clean your Pearls.
-Never use tarnish remover or any type of jewelry cleaner advertised on TV as a miracle cleaner.
-Never store your pearls in any type of plastic bag. Plastic can emit a chemical that will cause the surface of the Pearl to deteriorate.
-Never leave your pearls around a direct source of heat such as a fireplace mantle, on top of a television set, or stove.
-Never store your Pearls in a very dry room or in a safe deposit box for a long time. Your Pearls need a little moisture like your skin so that they will not dry out!